Welcome to Genmab's Independent Grants and Sponsorships Portal 

As part of our commitment to advancing healthcare and improving patient outcomes, Genmab regularly supports a variety of independent medical education grants, scientific advancement activities and corporate funding opportunities spanning reach and impact to the scientific research community, healthcare professionals, and importantly, patients and care partners.

Current Genmab areas of interest include:

Please select the specific request type above (Independent Grants or Sponsorships and Memberships) for more detailed information, or select Register to create an account or Log-In to submit a new request or access previous submissions. 

Please Note: All requests for grant funding or corporate membership or sponsorship must be submitted at least 60 days in advance of the program/event start date .  If the sponsorship occurs sooner than 60 days, you will be able to note this in the sponsorship request and we will do our best to expedite the review process. Please note that expedited review pertains only to sponsorship requests that provide clear documentation of the time sensitive nature and if based on first-come/first-serve response. 

For charitable donations or sponsorship of charitable events, please request funding for these events here: https://www.genmab.com/our-responsibility/

*Note: Some requests may require review and submission to alliance/partner organizations.